
'Wherever gentleness still lives so lives peace and hope and kindness'.  P Dugdale

Gentleness is an energy and to understand its transformative wisdom, power and subtleties it needs to be experienced.

So for now we invite you to take a moment for yourself, sit back, relax and imbibe the essence of this story so kindly told by Ashley Ramsden, world renowned story teller.


'In a gentle way you can shake the world'
Mahatma Ghandi.

And so it is that we at A Touch of Gentleness seek to become ambassadors of gentleness. Through creating our own individual gentleness practices we experience gentleness towards ourselves first. So the healing begins from the inside out. Then as we become beacons of gentleness rippling out across the globe the joyful, infectious, flow of gentleness will permeate and touch the lives of others..

Gentleness requires full presence, has integrity and an intention of care.
It is a portal to love and love detangles everything. H Prosper


I remember falling from a breakwater 
so high 
I remember calling out thought I was going to die 
you heard me long before I fell 
into my own sweet pain 
you gently held me to your heart so I could rise again 
you gently opened up my heart to love  
the truth of me
through your 
ex squisite gentleness 
we set a caged bird free
by Jenny Lynne Sessions aka Jen-ix

As a way of  further supporting us to embody gentleness we invite you to take time to enjoy this beautiful yoga practice kindly created by Diana Sampson specifically for A Touch of Gentleness.

To find out more about Diana please connect with her at or join the growing tribe of Lunar Lovers at The Luna Rhythms yoga Facebook Page dianalunasampson


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We are a Non For Profit community interest company
Company Number: 13649433

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NB. A Touch of Gentleness does not visit individual homes and always works in visiblity of others.