Our hands are an extension of our hearts.
And they are truly amazing.
As you read this, I invite you to take a moment to look at your hand and consider that the hand you are looking at consists of 27 bones, 27 joints, 123 ligaments and tendons, over 30 muscles (in the forearm and palm), 48 nerves - and a staggering 3000 touch receptors on each finger! The fingertips alone have a larger number of receptors, responsible for sending messages to the brain, than our eyes do!
Among all species, our hands are unique.
It is therefore not surprising to learn that the human brain gives a disproportionate amount of attention to the fingers and hands compared to the rest of the body.
Every day our hands carry out countless tasks for us: twisting and turning, curling and flexing, they can clap, tap and click, grasp, scratch, poke, punch, catch, hold, open to receive, push away, stroke, caress, feel and sense.
Our hands use, shape and mold many different materials, making, drawing, painting and playing instruments to express emotions, and they communicate.
If we are blind, they help us see.
If we are deaf, they help us speak.
Our brain is naturally hard-wired to engage our hands in such ways that they can accurately communicate emotions, thoughts, and sentiments.
As an experiment it can be fun to have a conversation with someone whilst you both hide your hands. Or try watching a politician’s hands as they make a speech, with the sound turned off. The evolution of language began with hand usage long before spoken language emerged. With todays trend of the emoji hand signs it seems to be, at least in text talk, ever prevalent.
As well as all this, our hands are also believed to be able to impart personal information and help promote wellness. According to palmisty, hands are considered portals that shed invaluable insight.
They contain reflex points which correlate to different body parts and meridians. Hand reflexology and hand acupressure are used to help relieve symptoms in other areas of the body, and to help maintain the flow of energy throughout the body.
Other healing modalities such as reiki and pranic healing, transfer energy specifically through our fingers and palms, to help another.
Hands are also highly symbolic in relgion.
The ancient symbol of a protective hand is common to Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
The word "hand" appears 1466 times in the Bible, and the plural word "hands" appears 462 times, where it is associated with power, protection and healing.
"Mudras" (a Sanskrit word that means a symbolic hand gesture) are an integral part of many Hindu and Buddhist rituals. The different mudras, (hand positions) are said to have the ability to influence the energy of our physical, emotional and spiritual body. Mudras help to link the brain to the body, soothe pain, stimulate endorphin, change the mood and increase our vitality.
More recently Ronald Rodun, the founder of ‘Havening’, discovered that gently rubbing our palms together stimulates certain touch receptors which produce delta waves in the brain. These delta waves help to soothe the nervous system, lessen feelings of anxiety and calm us down.
There is so much medicine, beauty, power and grace in our hands.
May you truly love and look after them.
NB. A Touch of Gentleness does not visit individual homes and always works in visiblity of others.